Lorenz’ weekly

1st edition

Every week I stumble upon interesting links, pure Internet gold in form of YouTube videos and handy long-reads about the web and other stuff. Also, every week I learn something new in my work life. Maybe also someone else finds these bookmarks, recordings and such useful or entertaining at least; that’s why I decided to put them here for later reference.

At the first of October I started my new job at the digital agency Nolte&Lauth as an Art Director. Everything is still new and exciting and I have to get used to new processes and agency habits. The people are very nice and I am sure it won’t take that long to get used to the new environment. I will keep you updated on how things are developing.

What really came unexpected this week was Microsoft’s launch of Surface Book, a convertible laptop that looks and feels truly unique. I think it is fair to say that Microsoft is back in the game. Although I am still not sure if I like the look of the device I applaud the design team for creating a unique experience and something that stands out in the broad device landscape. It’s just a shame that they ruin the excitement with quite a boring ad. Nonetheless I am excited to see the further development of the new Microsoft.

The Verge published this article about Flirtmoji (a start up that designs emoji for “sexting”) and their design process that I found both entertaining and hilarious.

Space! The Martian is everywhere. If you haven’t read the book yet, I highly encourage you to do so. I am really looking forward to see the movie next week.

I just started reading Responsible Responsive Design by Scott Jehl today and the first pages are very promising. It is by now a very good reminder on how you should design and develop webpages with progressive enhancement in mind.

Since the watchOS 2 update, I don’t meet my fitness goals anymore. Seems like they calibrated the new OS to be more accurate. Shit, now I have to do sport again.

Right now I am working on a small side project and I am currently looking how to create text gradients not only in webkit browsers but also in Mozilla Firefox. If anyone has a lightweight idea, please let me know.

The Facebook Design team published some free resources this week. New sketch templates for iOS as well as proper device hands photography to use in your portfolio. Have a look!

Thanks for reading and have a great week!