Lorenz’ weekly - I am a founder

What an exciting week this has been. I can now proudly and publicly announce that I am one of the founders of a fresh agency for digital bits and pieces, called diesdas.digital. We are officially starting in January 2016 and we can’t wait to start. The last months have been really hard because founding a company is not as romantic as it sounds. You have appointments with your lawyer, with your accountant, potential clients while still working in your day job. The legal stuff is definitely the hardest part and you learn to be patient while sorting the terms out. But – we are super-happy how everything turns out so far and we were also a bit overwhelmed by all the positive feedback we got from colleagues and friends. Thank you all so much!

I also have some interesting links for this week, so here we go. If you are still not quite sure how Flexbox really works, check out the lovely site http://flexboxfroggy.com/.

And while I am talking about Flexbox – a former colleague and intern at Edenspiekermann published a highly configurable, data-attribute driven and sass based flexbox-grid. Now that’s quite a mouthful, so you better check it out yourself.

If you are into Star Wars and I know you are, check this YouTube video of people who made an intense effort to watch a Star Wars version that George Lucas hasn’t changed.

Performance matters. So you should read The Cost of Frameworks, which compares a lot of web frameworks.

I am always curious about new ways to prototype my designs. That’s why I think Silver, a way to build lightweight mobile prototypes directly in Sketch, is quite awesome.

Well, now I need some rest on the couch. Enjoy your week!