
So, that was 2019 and what a crazy year this has been both professionally and personally. My daughter turned two years old, I got married and I built a house that we moved into in November. I also baked a lot of bread, almost every weekend and really professionalized my method. When it comes to our little company diesdas.digital Harry wrote a great year in review post as well that you might like to read.

Because the last year was so unbelievable packed I have a hard time reflecting on all the stuff that had happened. Instead I try to formulate some goals for myself that I want to achieve this year.

Publish a guide to baking sourdough bread

I already kinda promised this on Twitter last year but this year I definitely want to get it done. All my knowledge that I gained in baking for over one year every weekend will be condensed into one guide. Why am I doing this? Well, first for fun and second because I want to get everyone excited about baking their own bread. Because it’s good for you! Good for your body and for your mental health. Quit your meditation apps and start baking sourdough bread!

Draw or sketch something every day

I always liked to sketch or draw but never really kept at it to develop my own style or just become better at it. This year I want to change that and so I started yesterday and try to do that every day from now on. Still not sure if I should reopen Instagram for that purpose, I guess I just do it for myself.

Do more stuff outside

That means working in my soon-to-be garden and around the house. And not just because I have to but because I want to. It was actually fun to work so much outside last year and to become more comfortable with these things.

Redesign and redevelop this very site

I did a bit of development again last year and actually learned a lot more stuff I didn’t know before. I want to put this more into practice by working on my site. And I also feel that my site actually does not really reflect so much what I do anymore. So that’s that. One thing’s for sure though – I will definitely stick with Kirby as it’s one of my favorite content management systems.

Rework an online shop and make it (more) profitable

My father has this side project called olivenoelkontor.de. It’s an online shop he started over ten years ago but he never had the time, budget or energy for the shop to reach its full potential. I want to change that this year. The first step is to migrate the shop to Shopify which makes it way easier to work with and to maintain and then work on content. I am even thinking about a video series and more … I will post about this again soon.

Spend more quality time with my family

This is the most important thing to me. I know I have to prioritize a lot in order to get all my stuff done but I want to make sure to keep weekends as free as possible to be able to spend more time with my family, doing short trips, visiting playgrounds, stark cooking with my daughter (although it will definitely drive my crazy) and so on. Because of the house building last year I feel my family felt a little short and it’s time to change that for good.

And that is that. I believe I missed more goals (e.g. to read more) but these were the most important points I could think of so far. I rather see it as an aspirational list without putting too much pressure on myself. with I hope you all have a wonderful start into the new year!